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39F outside. I gave in and put the heating on.

Well the last time McLaren were in this part of the world it wasn't like this.

Jim boosted

I don't really keep up with the Mac tech, it looks like something from 2011. The ports are better.

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Turned over my pandemic MacBook Pro 16 for the new Silicon version. It's...bloody big.

Looking South from the Empire State during a heatwave, you can see the humidity. July 2006.

From the wild and unmaintained part of the back garden, these little beauties have come through the weeds.

CVE-2023-1529 no telling how serious this one actually is, but there's a lot of patches out there, so update your shit

Jim boosted

Not sure if this is accurate or not but It gave me a chuckle

Haven't looked at OpenSuse in a decade; it's not bad at all and sits nicely between Centos and Fedora for an RPM-based distro. All the proprietary crap I need for work runs on it too, namely VPN and EDR. Nice to have choices outside of Ubuntu and Redhat.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!