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I have never understood the way some people use their computers, but starting in the days when Windows needed booting into a particular config to run some games probably inculcated those habits.

Sent this to my sis many years ago. Definitely not because it reminds me of her.

Also on the occasions I've played around with the budget to find money for such things, when I approach departments for a buy-in they're not interested unless it's for their sole use.

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Absolutely infuriates me ever since I became 'management'.

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I am told, repeatedly, we are the most expensive department in the organization. Any yet they STILL live in a world where resources and the staff to run them cost nothing. "AWS is too expensive" they cry. Funny that. You don't want to pay the Bezos tax? Dig into your pockets.

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"Hello, we're trying to recruit ML/DL faculty and wondering what GPU compute resources you could dedicate?"
It's funny, just this morning I was wondering what to do with the brand new GPU server we have in the basement doing nothing. Yes, that's right, the imaginary basement. Imaginary server, too, because SHIT COSTS MONEY AND YOU NEED TO FUCKING BUY IT

Some greatest hits on shithead driver charts today. Honked at by some ballbag in a white Camry, who then honked at me again because I wouldn't pass a stopped bus at an intersection (forbidden unless it is controlled by a light). Then another guy honked at me when he pulled out in front of me and I had to brake hard.

Jim boosted

Finals next week. I think the stress is starting to show.

One of our NAS boxes has a delegated DNS entry, using simple round robin node balancing. "Great" thought I, "I can use the DNS name for SSH work" Alas it causes host key alarm because there's multiple hosts...I don't like to switch that off so I guess I'll just stick to the IP I've had stuck in my head forever.

Notwithstanding that the entire point of this very expensive regulation change was to close following distances. really cannot get out of its own way sometimes.

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this is a bit annoying. Ross Brawn and Pat Symonds said that they would monitor aero exploitation carefully. If allowed to progress, teams will spend a fortune on these concepts, many CFD and wind-tunnel hours, only for them to be binned overnight.

Jim boosted

A decade ago, a tribe of JS partisans took the web by the reigns, forked HTML and JS syntax, and yeeted useland abstractions into the critical path because "a better user experience".

This was premised on the idea that everyone's CPUs/networks would get faster the way their top-end phones did.

They could not have been more wrong.

JS-first web development has been a planetary-scale exercise in the rich making life harder for the less well-off.

You just do what you can while waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Monday. Both kids are ill again, it hasn't got to us. Yet. This is a tough time for year for bug-fighting.

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Today in 1965, 58 years ago: Launch of Gemini 7 with crew members Frank Borman and Jim Lovell. The Gemini 7 spacecraft was the passive target for the first crewed space rendezvous performed by the crew of Gemini 6A.


Jim boosted

Today in 1945, 78 years ago: By a vote of 65–7, the United States Senate approves United States participation in the United Nations. (The UN had been established on October 24, 1945.)


"Don't show this recommendation again" | "Don't show any recommendations for a week". Of course there's no option to, you know, turn it off. Modern consumer operating systems, ladies and gentlemen.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!