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Jim boosted

By 2026 Covid policy is going to be “Smell this Tabasco and if you can’t you can go home half an our early as long as you work through lunch”, and you pay for the Tabasco.

Jim boosted

Today in 1921, 103 years ago: in Paris, the Conference of Allied Countries establishes that Germany must pay as war compensation 226 billion marks in 42 annuities (until 1963) .1924: in Russia, Petrograd -formerly St. Petersburg- is baptized Leningrad.


Jim boosted

Get Ready for the Great #AI #Disappointment
“Some people will start recognizing that it was always a pipe #dream to reach anything resembling #complex #human #cognition on the basis of #predicting words.”

@mntmn Every time I have to use the reform manual (needed to look up some battery compatibility) I realize what a great job you all did with the documentation. It is some of the best I've seen and the renderings are superb.

These airline CEOs shitting all over Boeing may have a point, but they are ignoring the fact that they pressured Boeing for years to deliver airplanes at minimal cost.

Jim boosted

"The Czech state administration will stop providing its services over IPv4 on 6 June 2032" 👍👍👍

#IPv6 #IPv4

Jim boosted

Just as i was falling asleep i thought of what seemed like a really good idea for a post and when i woke up i racked my brains until i finally remembered it. However I am grieved to announce that the thing i was trying to remember is the phrase “Captain Corelli’s Pangolin”

Jim boosted

Very annoying that the total solar eclipse will come a couple months before the 221-year double cicada brood emergence in blatant violation of biblical plague order

Jim boosted

Today in 1910, 114 years ago: in the Iranian province of Luristan, an earthquake killed more than 5,000 people.


Jim boosted

My son saw the pictures of the new shuttle exhibit, where the Orbiter will be mated vertically to its stack in the original launch configuration. He did not read the article and ran into tell me it was flying again. I wish I could bottle that enthusiasm.

Jim boosted

Today in 1998, 26 years ago: Space Shuttle program: space shuttle Endeavour launches on STS-89 to dock with the Russian space station Mir.


Today will see the first temperatures above freezing in over a week.

Jim boosted

I know not everyone’s life situation makes it practical, but if it’s at all feasible for you, definitely consider shifting your wake schedule so that you’re not just waking up, getting ready, and going straight to work.

Having even half an hour of time to claim for yourself before work does so much for lowering work stress.

Try it! Get up half an hour earlier for 3 weeks. Use the time to do something that give you joy: maybe that’s enjoying a quiet cup of tea, or reading a couple of chapters, or eating a leisurely breakfast with loved ones.

Jim boosted

Slightly alarmed to see Emoji support in my Mutt subject lines, like guests at a party you know should be there but sort of want to throw in the pond

Jim boosted

Sun Microsystems: "The network is the computer"

The 2020s: "Everything is moving to the cloud"

Sun Microsystems: "No, not like that"

(Note: Please do not tell me that the cloud is someone else's computer. Save it for your bumpersticker collection, Sparky)

The stress can be absolutely massive.

Security pros are being hospitalized by after-effects of ransomware hacks | TechRadar

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!