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Jim boosted

Chances are high you know Samuel Barber's beautiful classical piece Adagio for Strings. It has been used in several films, including Platoon.

But not as many people know that there's also a choral variation, called Agnus Dei. Personally, I think that's even more beautiful. Listening to it always gives me goosebumps. Turn up the volume, close your eyes and enjoy...

#music #ClassicalMusic #SamuelBarber #classical #beautiful #chorus #choir #moody

I understand how the money works in motorsport. Be that as it may, this even feels vulgar to me. Racing at an ultra-rich country club for a purse seems like something from ancient times. It's ugly. Something similar also killed Dan Wheldon, so there is that.

Most UNIX admins have probably made this mistake at least once.

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In fairness I recall a systemd bug that did something similar with temporary files, which got pushed to Fedora users a while back. Instead of /tmp it clobbered the root filesystem.

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Feeling a bit under the weather and asked my son to take my temperature with the electronic thermometer, which he did by ramming it into me head at great speed. The lesson? It can always be worse.

20F outside. My daddodils are all dead.

Jim boosted

Becoming an adult feels like slowly being pushed into a managerial position you didn't really want.

Safari on Mac 14.4 is absolutely awful for me. Constant crashes and dysfunction with full screen switching. Safari has always been a bit flaky with this but this is the worst I have known it.

Jim boosted

I made a Caesar Salad.

Well, I made a regular salad, then stabbed it twenty-three times.

Follow me for more recipes.

Granada on a wet and windy Wednesday morning. Initially I was annoyed that the person stepped into the frame, but I think it works better than the later frames with the dead space in the left.

Jim boosted

The climate's challenges and answers in one picture. Beznar reservoir in Andalucia, just starting to recover from drought conditions, with the HEP dam in the background, and beyond that, some of Andalusia's many, many wind turbines.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!