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I have to have a performance/absenteeism chat with an employee tomorrow. Easily the worst part of any job.

Jim boosted

People are spun-up about the new Epoch of ARM computers. Their power consumption is the good news. The bad news is that it will likely further enshittification of software toward the 'mobile paradigm'

We just got our revised Broadcom tarriff. $employer is furious.

Is there any more frustrating evidence of the state of US driving culture than these two stickers:
i) Vehicle speed monitored by GPS
ii) This vehicle does not turn right at red lights
Both are there to try and persuade impatient assholes to not be themselves for a minute. It's depressing.

Jim boosted

I have a rare gap in my work schedule while waiting for feedback and upcoming meetings... who wants me?

#icons #glyphs #design #illustration


Jim boosted

40 Minutes in.
The #Google CEO is convinced that, *technically*, this is the correct way to fix a stuck camera back.

We are so fucked.


We had a tornado touch down 2 miles from work. Four trees down, and one on the the road. I've never seen anything like this here. Passed about a mile north of my house.

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Tornado warnings in SW PA. This is not normal.

Jim boosted

I am trying to figure out a tough #math #maths problem in #combinatorics. Anybody into that kind of thing? Know anybody to tag?

Jim boosted

the solar winds are only making me more powerful. watch out

There's about 7 miles of freeway for my daily commute; recent lane closures have led to it running about 50-55mph (which is funny, because that's the speed limit) and it feels slow, but what's a real eye opener is it adds about 3-4mpg fuel efficiency to the route.

Jim boosted

Neither my dentist nor my optometrist sent me a Merry Christmas email this year. We used to be a society

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

The lawn is also going crazy. I'll have to cut it 2x per week from now on. Or use SALO (semi-autonomous lawnmower operator) who is 10yrs old.

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So hot and humid my glasses are fogging. It's only May!

Jim boosted

Ayrton Senna was 30years ago today. I like this photo of him, waiting by his broken Lotus - that car in which he built his reputation - during a practice session.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!