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A couple of months ago Crowdstrike had a sensor conflict with a RHEL kernel update, took days to fix, totally borked the hosts too. That was not as big but it shows the hazards of these things.

Jim boosted
boeing insanely happy that so many news stories are happening that nobody remembers that they still can't get the astronauts back that they sent up on the starliner

I am brewing my morning coffee and get told to hop onto an emergency zoom at 0715, it's been pretty much full throttle since then

Jim boosted

I have to go to the DC. I still have no car, I have a four inch scar on my neck, what a shit show lol

Some of our bigger windows stuff came back on its own, but not the business critical file server FML Official remediation worked 2nd attempt

Meanwhile, the servers which I fought to keep with an exemption to the EPDR policy are quietly enjoying their breakfast of electrons, probably wondering why it is all so quiet

Jim boosted

An embarrassing crash causing transportation chaos, you say?

This here is Kiwi ferry Aratere adding a new, unscheduled stop to its itinerary after somebody pressed the wrong button. Why there was a button marked "ram the nearest island" is a question best left to the inevitable enquiry.

Crew have since been ordered not to use the autopilot "in certain situations". What situations are unspecified, but surely include "when fucking up would be embarrassing".


There's no easy fix for this, you have to do it fucking manually. Happy Friday Wall Street

And just like that a year of effort pushing EPDR goes straight out the fucking window

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

These two ex-Slack engineers want to replace recording studios with RFID

We are getting absolutely smacked by the heat here. The garden Is just dying. Easily the hottest summer I've seen since moving here. Steady 90s this week. Six inches down on rain totals.

Out of surgery and my dog will not leave me alone. Following me everywhere and generally fussing over me. Dogs are just great.

87% humidity outside. It's absolutely vile. Started drizzling thought which is good. The plants and wildlife need it. A lot of skinny rabbits about this year. I think they're suffering.

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