I went to the gym very early today and only women were there for the first hour or so. It made me wonder about circadian differences between men and women, so I looked it up and found this interesting info: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1010666108

Maybe I should lift early more often. 🤔

@Antiquixotic That's really interesting. I never thought about it, but did notice I am extremely sensitive to time of day, and it has got worse as I've got older. Around 230pm I might as well just go to sleep.

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@sullybiker Circadian rhythms are really interesting. I mostly follow the advice of this trainer attached below regarding my daily lifting schedule, but now that I read that article above, I might need to try lifting sooner and see if my personal rhythm responds better. https://mennohenselmans.com/best-time-to-work-out/

@Antiquixotic Trainer Road (big data-driven cycling nerds) wanted to start capturing menstruation data because they felt it was a big hole in their plans for Women. They think it all has an affect.

@sullybiker For sure. Research about women and physical activity is lacking across all sports. I ended up following that trainer because he wrote about women training to their advantage with their cycles.

@Antiquixotic It is fascinating how this knowledge evolves.

@sullybiker You want research-driven directives on physique development and health? He’s your guy.

@Antiquixotic TR are similar but they suffer a bit from not-invented-here syndrome, in that they tend to be a bit huffy about research they didn't pull off themselves. The arguments about interval training are *intense*.

@Antiquixotic If you look at any cycling forums people talk about this quite a lot, especially the inability to do mornings. Some people just cannot train early in the day.

@sullybiker I prefer early afternoons. Before I became a lifter I was a runner. I hated running early.

@Antiquixotic Do you like it? I used to do a bit of strength training but immunotherapy beat the shit out of my ability to do it, but I could still do cardio if I was properly rested. I need to get back to it.

@sullybiker Yes. It’s the most effective, beneficial form of physical activity, imo. Get back to it. Lifting is the fountain of youth.

@Antiquixotic I have to do *something*, pandemic habits and remission have left me feeling like a bag of shit. I've always had an issue of getting frustrated at the memory of what I could do, when everything is measured.

@sullybiker Do you mean you’re frustrated at your health/fitness levels before compared to now? Don’t let your past take away from how healthy you can be today.

@Antiquixotic Yes, absolutely. You're making complete sense, I just need to get on with it.

@Antiquixotic I shall go next week and hit the bike again at home.

@Antiquixotic It's very easy to let your chin drop when something serious happens to you, but for sure little nudges like this help, basically lettimg me know I'm talking bollocks

@sullybiker True. It’s easy to let your chin drop even when you just take an extra portion of dessert when you knew better. Discouragement is supplied abundance. Life is long and merciless. You always have another chance to try again and no one is keeping your score on you but you. Again, don’t let your past hold you back today.

@Antiquixotic 90 mins on the bike so far this week. I have lost a lot of wattage but it feels good to get back. Not been in office this week but will alternate with work gym next week. Thanks for the encouragement.

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