Show newer @anthracite I totally understand. I've never been either.Just walked the streets wearing out my arm doingj high fives. @anthracite I'm in Pittsburgh, furcon is a big deal here.

@anthracite Cons can be miserable and lonely things if you're not feeling it.

Sometimes immunotherapy doesn't change my life at all, sometimes it's pretty brutal. This week has been the latter. Headaches, extreme fatigue, the lot. Haha, the pain of smalltalk.

@lain THat'd be a great tinder pic. I misread the first line as 'comsluts' and thought there was some sort of radical slut culture I'd missed out on.

Jim boosted
new jeffrey epstein christmas lights, you look away for a minute and they hang themselves

@jerry I suspected this was the case. They don't do the same on the Fedi.

Jim boosted

@sullybiker try hate everything except their reach and the size of their audience.

I don't understand why so many blue ticks on Twitter - the very vocal activist variety - claim to hate the platform but refuse to use valid alternatives. It's maddening.

You can tell it's almost a public holiday because people drive like complete assholes.

Controversial Opinion 

@mike THe design brief was clearly intended to get people talking, so a success from that point of view.

It's a bit of an uggo, but most trucks on the market aren't much to look at.

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