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If you don't at least laugh at the gunshot you're not human It was like Alien vs. Predator, Whoever won, we all lost. The social media gurus all got murdered by arseholes

Furthermore, as an ex-sotonian I loved the line about the train station.

Show thread You made me think of a decade ago when Twitter was absolutely full of those fuckwits.

@lain There's a really good GoPro car tour of the city on YouTube, it's absolutely fascinating. Unedited, just someone driving about.

@lain And those odd pastel shades they like to paint concrete buildings.

@lain Is that pollution haze? Great pictures. Looks quiet at a street level. The cat? I think that was one of Somethingawful's.

You can't just lob 5.56 around like that, it will go straight through vehicles. Absolute madness.

Absolutely astonishing scenes in Florida as police apprehending.a hijacked UPS truck seem to think they're in Baghdad.

I can only describe the footage I saw as a shooting frenzy, using people's stopped cars for cover. They killed a bystander and the hostage truck driver. Fucking clowns.

@lnxw48a1 Do you have money to burn? If not, stay away from the capital, unless you're unusually fond of shitty urban areas or the suburbs.

@guizzy some things are just fun and cool, though.

@lnxw48a1 I was in NV around this time last year and it surprised me how chilly it was. It's not so nasty though because it's bone dry.

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