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Cptsd It does happen. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Jim boosted
>Music critic Robert Christgau called metal "an expressive mode [that] it sometimes seems will be with us for as long as ordinary white boys fear girls, pity themselves, and are permitted to rage against a world they'll never beat".

are there any music critics who aren't complete retards

@noyoushutthefuckupdad This is an absolutely awful take, but it no longer surprises me.

Reminds me a lot of the pivot games journalism made into self-loathing priggishness a decade ago.

You have to be a complete asshole to even think like that.

@onepict This is thoroughly decent, and I'm glad to read it. Current doctrine is that people's perspective does not matter, especially if they 'feel attacked'. I think this is a grave error.

@dick_turpin Haha! It's a good read. Not something I'd watch as I think id' get irritated all around. I've been through it the legal way and that was tough enough.

@dick_turpin "The naivety of do-gooders" is a fucking mood in these times. I just would not trust anyone with that sort of power.

real world violence 

@baronnarcveldt I think there's better ways to get the point across, certainly.

Back at work in some kind of strength for the first time since March.

@dick_turpin It's created an antire blogging culture wherein people do insane things like prefixing every command with sudo. I see it constantly at work and it drives me crazy.

Something I dislike about MacOS and ubuntu's practice of using Sudo is sudo becoming synonymous with root.

E.g "I need sudo access" really gets the pedant in me going.

In this essay I Have you got a purty mouth?

Jim boosted

destroy the thick/thin crust pizza binary, pizza is experienced on a spectrum Probably! I know Williams Grand Prix had trouble with getting their 1992 car running and Cosworth were able to make new hardware and software to get the electronics working again.

I found this pretty fascinating. Also LOL at the 'period laptop'.

I've never seen a machine mimic waking up on a cold Monday morning so well.

The bike trail across the old rail trestle at Ohiopyle, PA.

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