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I'm suspicious of this Green Comet. What does it want? I just got to S5, which is bittersweet I can tell you.

@feld This is also the road the Gnome folks were walking down. Nobody learns anything.

@feld MS spent so long with the philosophy that the CLI was no longer needed and should be stripped back. It amazed me Powershell - the antithesis of this - happened at all.

Powershell is lightyears ahead of anything MS did server side for years, but it's still a very weird paradigm to get used to. The documentation is very MS - comprehensive but clear as mud.

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Such is my absolute loathing of Active Directory GUI tools I've made myself learn the tasks in Powershell. What hair I had left is now gone, but you can teach an old dog new tricks...

@feld That's not too bad. I ordered a compute server last year and chose AMD, just to mix It up a bit.

@feld AMD still pretty uncommon in a lot of VPS vendors, in my experience. I doubt that will suddenly change.

Got a spam SMS with a clever hook, it's a picture of a cup of coffee in a girl's hand. She's wearing a diamond bracelet. Subtle and quite smart.

Jim boosted

Fresh snow and quiet enough to hear a pin drop. I don't love winter but I love the stillness of these moments.

Am I to understand the exceptionally well-funded Mastodon project is asking for free labour?

I had en employee that asked me to sign off on his professional development announce that he's taken another job elsewhere in the organization, and I won't lie it's left a bit of a bitter taste.

Jim boosted

I am going to add “packet warmers” to my alternative computer science store, to go with the antivirus crystals and the no blue screen geode

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!