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Fediverse tip: do not cross post to or from Twitter. I promise you that no one gives a single shit about you or your Twitter account

@HayleyMulch Jamie Chadwick is doing the 2nd tier series this year and I'm hoping she has a good run. I'd like to see her do well.

@HayleyMulch It was meant to be a breakout year for Grosjean too but they just couldn't make it happen on most weekends.

@HayleyMulch But some of that is also down to generally poor performance of Andretti teams last year. They were all a bit shite.

@platypus Ours likes to lay in the beams from the front window and stretch out.

@HayleyMulch He's definitely promising but had a shit 2022 by his standards. F1 has a very hard attitude towards American drivers - keep an eye on Sargeant - it'll be interesting to see how it goes.

@dch @aral No you want form E6/7B (said with slightly different intonation)

@HayleyMulch I'd really like to see Colton get an Indycar title first. I'm not convinced he's quite there yet, specifically his slightly erratic form. F1 will devour him if he does that.

I share this once in a while because it really ticks my boxes. An 18yr old riding 11k miles around South America on dirt roads, with a drone and a soundtrack by Tycho.

I see a lot of Tweets kvetching about Twitter and how it's bad and that the author should really leave, and I have to say - this is not new, it's been like this for a long time, at least five years. What are you waiting for? The alternatives are here.

Sims 4, death of pixels 

@Juju For now

Jim boosted

aaaa watching ai play minecraft is stressful

- digs straight down
- digs straight up
- jumps around under trees it can't reach
- then digs straight down
- finds one (1) diamond which is its goal and then ignores the other diamonds
- places and removes furnaces, slowing its forward progress once it reaches bedrock
- places so many furnaces that it is boxed in
- wears out its pickaxe
- is stuck forever in its box of furnaces
- but found that one diamond that one time which is all that matters

@Antiquixotic I still remember your words about fitness a few months back. Still at it, actually beyond where I was when I faded out a year ago, and still motivated, so thank you internet stranger for a valuable slice of encouragement.

@ademan What I find amusing there is the tacit admission the philosophically left leaning AI's optimal scenario is killing everyone. I can feel this scene. I want to go there.

@theauracle It's a sad fact that people will treat a show of vulnerability as an excuse to give you a kicking.

@theauracle When you present personal stuff to the internet 80% of the responses will be people projecting their anger and inadequacy.

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