@pseudonym I reached that point with exercise, almost miraculously...!
@nuala ARRRRGH
@nuala They're a fucking nightmare and the people that specialize in them are weird. I will not be taking questions.
@checkervest I'm glad you're feeling better but am now concerned I have been tooting with some sort of charismatic submarine
@mattb Mozilla are funding Mammoth. Others will follow if they sniff a market.
@mairin God, I hope in a good way "THIS PERSON IS TROUBLE" 😆
@aimlessComposer They're all awful
@aimlessComposer More like shitrix am I rite
Mozilla leads Mastodon app Mammoth's pre-seed funding | TechCrunch
@pseudonym It's like so many things though; knowing It will help doesn't make it any more achievable if you're deep in the well.
@mrsaturday God a marriage made in heaven. Tumblr and Fedi whiners together at last
@checkervest it's lovely. Very funny too.
@checkervest BTW if you want some nice warm comfort telly I can recommend The Detectorists. Think you'd like it.
@checkervest Huge damage was done to habitats because of agriculture and developments just tearing shit up everywhere.
FOSS, motorbikes, and photography.