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@pseudonym I reached that point with exercise, almost miraculously...!

@nuala They're a fucking nightmare and the people that specialize in them are weird. I will not be taking questions.

@checkervest I'm glad you're feeling better but am now concerned I have been tooting with some sort of charismatic submarine

@mattb Mozilla are funding Mammoth. Others will follow if they sniff a market.

@mairin God, I hope in a good way "THIS PERSON IS TROUBLE" 😆

I at last got the script I cribbed off the Masto issues page working (avatar cleanup) meaning I can procrastinate about the V4 upgrade again. Being uncharitable I think this should have been in from the start. Having ~30GB of useless image files is kind of silly.

Whenever I see the Windows 'Just a moment' message I keep expecting it to report a fault on the AE35 Antenna

Masto survived the Twitter wave. Can it survive the VC money? This will be interesting. Ideals get tested where the rubber meets the road.

@pseudonym It's like so many things though; knowing It will help doesn't make it any more achievable if you're deep in the well. Our DEI office has been spectacular. They've tried so hard to bring everyone together. Every week. People are very cynical though.

@mrsaturday God a marriage made in heaven. Tumblr and Fedi whiners together at last

Jim boosted

@checkervest BTW if you want some nice warm comfort telly I can recommend The Detectorists. Think you'd like it.

@checkervest Huge damage was done to habitats because of agriculture and developments just tearing shit up everywhere.

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