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Jim boosted

@HebrideanHecate I used to work at RBS/Natwest and there was an apocryphal story of someone selling a 90yr old a 10 year was given as an example of what we shouldn't be doing.

@HebrideanHecate I doubt they'll pursue it. I hope they don't. There's no way they'll see it in her lifetime.

39F outside. I gave in and put the heating on. They've omitted the part where a Star Destroyer full of lawyers suddenly appeared over their office.

video game consumerism 

@aparrish It's really great when you get something and find you really enjoy using it. It's rare.

Well the last time McLaren were in this part of the world it wasn't like this.

Jim boosted @sj_zero @threalist Also bombing London at exactly the wrong time - and encouraging the escalation to area-bombing - was another great Hermann moment

I don't really keep up with the Mac tech, it looks like something from 2011. The ports are better.

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Turned over my pandemic MacBook Pro 16 for the new Silicon version. It's...bloody big.

@fasterthanlime Guess she has some opinions on asynchronous too.

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