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My car's frontal collision avoidance alarm sounded because a cyclist approached the kerb (as if to cross in front of the car, but he stopped before being in danger) just as I saw him. I did not know it was predictive. Nice to know it is there watching.. We lost people during the pandemic because of "budget shortfall". Would they use that money? Would they fuck.

Jim boosted This is also very common at universities. They complain about funding, when sitting on stacks of money that they don't want to spend money on.

@neil Darktable has (or had) some colour management issues in Wayland. The response for cases like this is always the same: "Your application just needs to be modernised". Dragging the ecosystem in directions that seem whimsical doesn't help anybody.

@neil There's a lot of cases, but this is how they want it to be.

@dick_turpin I think it's a bit premature to just drop it, but it's their choice. They do things like this.

@dick_turpin I think some of them are well aware of the roadmap and culture of the Gnome team. This reminds me a little of when they made logind a hard dependency which meant systemd. Everyone was annoyed but worked through it.

@Flick Class has been substituted with identity.

Took the lad out for a stroll around one of the dam recreational areas. It's probably the last time we can do it this year, it's already getting too cold.

@HebrideanHecate I lasted 18mths before I could no longer bear it.

@Flick Why is this *in* everything? It's nothing to do with the work of a party, and yet seemingly is now the only fucking thing that matters at all, and it is *everywhere*.

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