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@platypus @calimae I learnt to drive in London where there's a pretty strong code around buses; you look out for them, they'll look out for you. You get the odd grumpy git driving one but generally they're excellent road users.

Feeling a bit under the weather and asked my son to take my temperature with the electronic thermometer, which he did by ramming it into me head at great speed. The lesson? It can always be worse.

@Mitsu He will find later that he has an insatiable appetite for trash, and will go out at 0300 to stand on some trashcan lids.

20F outside. My daddodils are all dead.

@calimae @platypus I suppose they have to do it sometime with people on board, otherwise there's no way to assess a driver under actual operating conditions. They do an amazing job, transit drivers. A lot of cars will try and argue with a bus.

@platypus They did that on an actual revenue route? That's pretty nerve-racking for the poor driver.

@Mitsu You shouldn't have to explain it to anyone. You're doing everything right. That's not a sewer pipe that's just Stoke etc etc A fate worse than death My dad got me a couple for Christmas (he's old) and I bought a USB cd thing to play it. Physical media is great. Also, the discipline of an album in order.

@Flick I used to work at a city college many years ago. The room I supported was shared with a health and social care class. Once they stopped hating me (authority figure) they had some fascinating stories. All around 16. Mostly single mothers.

@Flick I could write a book about sibling problems. You can have my older sister along with my garden.

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Becoming an adult feels like slowly being pushed into a managerial position you didn't really want.

@x4nw I just tried to close the image window by clicking on the X

@bontchev It amazes me how much it gets used for. Even 20yrs ago people did very creative things with it.

Safari on Mac 14.4 is absolutely awful for me. Constant crashes and dysfunction with full screen switching. Safari has always been a bit flaky with this but this is the worst I have known it.

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