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Jim boosted

Some observations on "the cloud" and data centres 

I was reading a very interesting presentation and technical article by LANL and Honeywell on "Thermal Neutrons in Airplanes"¹ which I remembered downloading a while back.

The reason was the recent incident with turbulence and I remembered that there had been an issue with SEE ("Single Event Effects") on a Quantas flight causing it to lose altitude abruptly.

The original reason for downloading it was somewhat historical - SEEs had been plaguing our first three DEC Alpha machines at Imperial College (1993…) over weekends or, rather, the machines were inexplicably crashing with a machine check error over the weekend, and only over the weekend. At the time it turned out that a particular experiment in the Physics department next door to us (Mathematics, proper stuff ;P) ran over weekends and "might produce some stray neutrons." We did not deploy tinfoil (hats or otherwise) but there was an "environmental change" to the experimental setup²

The bottom line is that if you have neutrons hitting your chips it is Not Good™

Now, in avionics and, in particular on the poor Quantas 72 flight, this had rather dire consequences³ but this can be expanded to other systems.

In a previous life I was loosely associated with the Centre for Software Reliability at City University and got a bit of a hammering on the subject matter of dependable computing (actually, this should be hammered in the heads of so many people we'd cause a hammer shortage world-wide) and this is still something very close to my heart: in everything I design I always try to include "fail safe" and "dependable" as parameters.

Now, as more and more data is moved into the cloud and with it the associated processing I think we have an interesting problem coming up.

¹ "TINMAN Thermal Neutron Detector for Aircraft", 2021 - - !!rabbit hole alert!!
² a particularly contrived combination of British understatement and burocratese.
³ see "Ghosts in the code: the near crash of Quantas flight 72" - (Medium, sorry)

Some observations on "the cloud" and data centres 

@cynicalsecurity This is incredibly interesting.

There is almost no way to do it without the employee feeling picked on, but they're fucking up, no two ways about it.

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I have to have a performance/absenteeism chat with an employee tomorrow. Easily the worst part of any job.

@ParadeGrotesque it's a lot more than it used to be. That's as much as I can say.

@HebrideanHecate @Flick Of course it is totally irrational, but the real issue is the belief it doesn't matter.

@HebrideanHecate @Flick I used to work with someone who straight up told me he thought everything was about 30 minutes away. He lost job opportunities because of it.

Jim boosted

People are spun-up about the new Epoch of ARM computers. Their power consumption is the good news. The bad news is that it will likely further enshittification of software toward the 'mobile paradigm' Shhhhh

We just got our revised Broadcom tarriff. $employer is furious.

Is there any more frustrating evidence of the state of US driving culture than these two stickers:
i) Vehicle speed monitored by GPS
ii) This vehicle does not turn right at red lights
Both are there to try and persuade impatient assholes to not be themselves for a minute. It's depressing.

Jim boosted

I have a rare gap in my work schedule while waiting for feedback and upcoming meetings... who wants me?

#icons #glyphs #design #illustration


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