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My boss has asked me to 'investigate Kubernetes'. Here we go again.

It's on Reddit so I have already eaten my own fingers this morning, but this is an interesting find about the dangers of automotive telemetry. Of course they're fucking selling it. One ithat made me think of @onepict

Frank Dernie (of Williams fame) talks to Tom Clarkson, mentioning how his ASD was a key part of his approach to work.

Jim boosted

ive said this before but i dislike the term "hallucination" for AI because that implies that there's some malfunction going on when it says glue is delicious on pizza, when in reality it's doing the exact same thing as it was before. it's only doing symbol manipulation and is running into the exact same hurdles that computer scientists ran up against in the 1960s: it only knows about the signifiers and not the things they signify

@checkervest I did start to laugh at the endless scenes in Westward where he just wonders around looking bewildered, much like the audience. I don't think the RN is doing that great on force projection themselves. I wouldn't worry too much unless the Germans have a go again.

Jim boosted

Today in 1976, 48 years ago: in Buenos Aires, the Argentine civil-military dictatorship (1976-1983) "disappears" (murders) Raymundo Gleyzer (1941-1976), a 34-year-old Argentine film director, critic and journalist.


Jim boosted

Today in 1984, 40 years ago: The Danube–Black Sea Canal is opened, in a ceremony attended by the Ceaușescus. It had been under construction since the 1950s.


@yngmar I don't think it would be permitted anyway.

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