@shivers Excellent hashtag
Fuck this guy
Klarna Stopped Hiring Because AI 'Can Already Do All the Jobs,' CEO Says - Business Insider
@GoatsLive I suddenly lost the ability to read print, it was quite insidious, the scar buildup was small but in exactly the right place to completely knacker refraction.
@GoatsLive Yes I had the same thing. The drop in acuity was precipitous. The laser was a big relief.
@GoatsLive Was this removing scar tissue?
@stevewfolds @kibcol1049 Oh for sure.
@nyquildotorg Big wrap has enshittified another classic!
@Mitsu Awww I am sure she will come around.
@pavsmith AI still can't order or rack a server either.
@intransitivelie Would you accept several banouses
Before leading with the fact you're willing to pay, you'd better be fucking sure you can afford our time.
The amount of projects that land in our lap with no lead-time, no funding just astounds me. So, we have no time, and no money to do it, but we must produce $THING. I really do get sick of it. This is the belief IT is like water and gas, it just appears by magic.
Irritates me professionally when we're asked to do big infrastructure projects with practically no lead-time and the PI says "I will pay". This thinking betrays the belief that it is simply a matter of money.
Well it can be a matter of money, but often an order of magnitude more than they are thinking.
Every time. #sysadmin
@HebrideanHecate It's not surprising.
What a terrible thing. Poor kid.
The Independent: Sara Sharif's father and stepmother guilty of murdering schoolgirl
@DismalManorGang Best of luck.
@GossiTheDog I hope you at least have trousers
FOSS, motorbikes, and photography.