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Shit. Glad I stayed home today, or I'd be driving home in that.

@HebrideanHecate Jesus. I am terribly sorry for the abuse you suffered.

If you are looking at any subject you know the slightest thing about, it's usualy totally wrong.

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It surprises me, perhaps it shouldn't, how bad the google generative AI summary on searches is. So often it's totally incorrect.

@dutchbarracuda This is awesome. I wonder if the freigth thing is just a security matter; they also don't publish much here.

Noticed this trend in recent times where large numbers of people on the socials declare anybody they don't like as narcissistic.

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Enjoying the new Shetland, it's so well made. I wouldn't say I miss Jimmy Perez's detective but do wonder what he'd make of it all.

@kaia @lain @lucy That was Jane Birkin wasn't it? It was pretty infamous.

@Flick I tell friends that don't own cars they can simulate the experience by withdrawing all the money they have and burning it in the garden.

@Flick That's not too bad for all that, especially transmission work.

@kibcol1049 I misread that for a moment as Jesus flogging the WSJ, which I did not recall from the bible.

@clacke Day 1: Made a tonne of money. Day 2: Made a tonne of money

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