Show newer I totally stole that CD off my mum in 1994.

I think my MP3 rip of Michael Nyman's 'The Piano' is the only memory of that.

@thegibson For some reason Pycon had bike lights in their swagbag one year, it was really quite cool. That is very pretty. I cnn almost smell the grass. Don't get block cocked

Scott Manley, better known for Kerbal fun does a great job in simplifying Chernobyl:

Jim boosted

To go on sale in the US this month: Lenovo ThinkPad P laptops with Ubuntu.

Dell may be the best-known Linux laptop vendor right now, but Lenovo is looking to muscle in on the pre-installed Linux machine market.

Shipping Linux on high-end, premium machines like these is indicative of one thing: demand.

Lenovo is clearly hearing from its customers, from businesses, and from developers that they want LINUX out of the box.

#Lenovo #Thinkpad #Ubuntu #Linux #business

Jim boosted

Electronic Waste Is Becoming a Global Environmental Problem |
Do you own one of the 1.6 billion unused phones shoved into a drawer? These forgotten mobile phones are packed with valuable materials. So dig them out and start #recycling!

@aardrian Might is right. Similar to Microsoft and IE's 'standardisation' practices, i.e. we do it not because we must, but because we can. Good God @killyourfm The fediverse has been so useful for tips like this.

@mangeurdenuage That's a great thing to do and will make such a difference for her. That is maximal dad

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