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Philip Schofield came out, surprising absolutely nobody I'm sure.

I'd forgotten about Timothy Dalton's voiceover for Brain's faggots @feld At least the work was completed successfully. @feld Invariably the cold air outlet is over the KVM stations, which are also the only seating in the place.

Holy shitsnacks the datacenter is cold as shit at the desk. I am shivering yet have to remain here while the engineer does his thing.

Very rare to see enterprise grade hardware boot looping and not even POSTing.

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Had a server absolutely fall on it's arse this morning. All day trying to sort that out.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

Did you know?

Percentages are reversible. 8% of 25 is the same as 25% of 8, and often one of them is much easier to do in your head.

Jim boosted

I don't know the result of my PET scan, but my oncologist was sufficiently motivated to order a follow up MRI of the brain. Not done my nerves much good.

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