Show newer I could do with that what with snowmageddon just around the corner.

SolarWinds Orion got trojaned. Oh great.

"The SolarWinds vendor was breached resulting in the insertion of trojan code into the SolarWinds Orion Platform software builds for versions 2019.4 HF 5 and 2020.2 with no hotfix installed or 2020.2 HF 1. They were advised that this incident was likely the result of a highly sophisticated, targeted, and manual supply chain attack by an outside nation state, but we have not independently verified the identity of the attacker."

One of my all time favorite writers. Great til the end. Thanks for Esterhase, Karla, Seamus, and Smiley. that reminds me of many warm and fuzzy dark December afternoons at the German market in Southampton.

@strypey Rebels really heats up. It's more narrow in focus than CW. I'm honestly not sure, it just sounds like the beginning of a Sci-Fi thriller.

I don't think it's a Triffid. I'm looking forward to the next installment.

"The tree owns me now. Send help. And meat."

Arch users I don't have much time for FOSS fundamentalists. It's not pragmatic.

Arch users the Arch community is unfortunately a toxic shitpile, and to my memory has been for at least a decade.

Elitism tinged with not-invented-here bullshit.

Unpopular opinion(?) 

@PeteMoss See also banning meetings every time your boss wants to share a fart. It's maddening and apparently a huge thing in America.

My kid's doing his remote school assignment and complained the 'dragon drop' wasn't working. Took me a moment to realise what he meant. I was sad for him no dragons were involved.

@PeteMoss @sean @dosnostalgic @cosullivan

Thanks Pete! You're too kind.

@sean You're quite right, there's plenty of context for it to stand on its own ideas but now there is a demand for 'representation' that rescinds all other considerations. The apex of identity politics, if you will.

@sean Because everything has to be now. It's maddening. What OS is it running

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