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@sullybiker i have to label every single email i receive to avoid it getting auto-deleted in 3 months. so every single one is tagged 'email'

@Pipski "You can use labels" Well, I can also eat my own shit. Alas...

@Pipski I don't know what it is about their layout and styling, but it isn't easy to scan quickly. I lose so much stuff because the inbox pane is shite.

@nuala I could hear you cursing and splashing about all the way across the Atlantic Defederation is some weird personal gripe 80% of the time.

I am not having a good day with proprietary software.

It took me using Gmail for work to really make me start to hate it

Weird PowerShell incantations, fighting with authentication, why is it so complicated?

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The amount of yak shaving bullshit you have to go through to get WinRM working cross-platform it's hardly worth the bother.

Jim boosted

That one Imperial captain in Empire Strikes Back that gets out of the zoom call by pretending to get hit by an asteroid...

yeah, I find him highly relatable. @clive Hey, RSS is cool!

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!