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Today in 1926, 97 years ago: after crossing the South Atlantic, the Spanish crew of the seaplane Plus Ultra return triumphantly.


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Today in 1660, 363 years ago: Declaration of Breda by King Charles II of Great Britain promises, among other things, a general pardon to all royalists and opponents of the monarchy for crimes committed during the English Civil War and the Interregnum.


@h_thoreson Management likes them because it distracts them from eating crayons for a moment idk

Now my team's work is behind two dashboards with some graphs I neither need nor asked for

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The modern obsession with dashboards can happily fuck off

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The endless updates to our ticketing system just piss me off. Most of it isn't necessary, wastes time trying to figure out new screen flows but worst of all adds absolutely nothing.

@feld I once stupidly used a weed whacker wearing shorts in my student days, my legs looked like I'd had a cat going at them. So many little scratches from pieces of wood and stone kicking back

@feld I saw a thread once about a guy whose lawnmower hit an old roofing nail, and it propelled it into his shin and into the underlying bone...

@feld God that is just asking for a trip to the ER

@feld Appendix B: Why weed whackers don't use steel wire

@blabberlicious That's good to hear. Not caught it yet. The show has big issues with coasting.

@nuala Someone will make a film about you if you're not careful.

@Genen About to wish the Milf at the bar a happy 25th birthday

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Jim boosted

Yesterday I was wondering where Binder came from. Today, Zarco. The commentators need to get off Pecco's back a bit, it's just the 2nd GP. They did the same with Rins a couple of years back.

@seth Had one like that for much longer than I'd like. It was fine.

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