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@slott56 The field is outpacing the packaged software, at an unprecedented rate. This isn't a new problem, but it keeps us in work...

Help, Linux issue, boosts appreciated Nvidia GPU by any chance? Which Destkop Environment? Wayland or Xorg?

@slott56 I am a huge, huge fan of conda for this reason.

@Binder Don't turn the knob labelled 'violent hellfire'.

Jim boosted

Today in 2019, 4 years ago: in Wuhan, China, the first known case of the coronavirus disease SARS-CoV-2 appears.

#OnThisDay "The experience is better in the app" AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT?

57F is not cold guys, come on. Maybe if you're used to 100F, but it's barely sweater weather elsewhere.

They should do a 4-6hr endurance event at this place. Give the punters some more racing to look at, and the sportscar people would love it.

@HebrideanHecate I wish this wasn't the case, but I know it's true.

I see some lights are dimmed; I wonder if the organisers have requested places without a commercial agreement don't put their signage on.

@slott56 Yes, It's mainly data scientists bringing up the issues...

Watching the Vegas FP2 on -demand. I went to Vegas 5 years ago for the AWS thing they do there. It is the strangest city I have ever been to in my life. It's like a theme park for sad adults. I'm not sure I could ever go back. This is absolutely the weekend to do it

Been listening to 1989 Taylor's Version in my car and I am struggling to see what it adds. In a few cases it takes away. 'Style', a standout track on the original, is flat and lifeless.

@feld Basically the more differences per frame, the worse it is.

@feld I've noticed patterns. Any panning shot of foliage or lots of colors and it just checks out for a few seconds. It may be the chip getting overworked.

@h_thoreson Where do I put in my credit card #, hurry, I am told there I a hot girl waiting to discuss containers

Vendors using videoconferencing solutions that require me to install something on my computer can proceed toward the ocean.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!