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A lot of rain this afternoon. We need it.

@Djeep Oh my God, if you can't laugh with an Irish person what even are you

@lain "Vertical offset 0x12C"? Is that definitely right?"

"It's Friday afternoon, sign off on it"

It reminds me of that scene in Smokey and the Bandit 2 where someone keeps saying no while being handed more and more money, until they say yes. Shit I spotted this today, I thought I'd clicked on some hotlink by accident. How strange.

@seachanger The lab themselves let me off the hook, which was nothing more than kindness on their part.

@seachanger I had to have a tumor identified by a specialist lab. I got no say in any of this, it was done without my knowledge - and I had no problem with them trying to help me. The insurer declined payment as it was 'experimental'.

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@gnemmi @stefano I had a similar issue with someone wrecking their server that I fixed out of hours. I did it because I absolutely despise going to sleep on problems. Unfortunately it created the idea I work around the clock, which I then had to undo.

@tk @j_opdenakker I've been privately lobbying Microsoft to let the sticky notes app visible on the login screen. I've liberally used the keywords 'AI' and 'blockchain' in my emails to Bill Gates, thus far to no avail.

@seachanger My insurer is also my provider, an arrangement I cannot believe is legal. It's definitely unethical. Not unusual I gather.

@seachanger It's a very weird feeling when your oncologist says to you "We are just waiting for insurance approval" for a treatment. So the insurer dictates standards of care. That is incredibly dangerous imho.

@mntmn The internet has created this idea where you have to google everything, but I know with the reform that whatever it is, it's almost certainly in the handbook.

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@j_opdenakker It's not an issue. Post-its were invented for this job. Also monitor bezels.

@HebrideanHecate The tragedy is that the vulnerable person doesn't matter to them at all.

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