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@vriska I follow a YouTuber (normally does bike stuff) that imported one of those. They are awesome.

He has now moved closer and is pretending he's interested in something other than the plate

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My dog, usually very skittish around strangers, charmed my guests last night, but it was all a ploy to steal cheesecake. The little shit.

NO *YOU* LIKE SHIT MUSIC, he said, impotently.

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I've had a few drinks and my wife walked in and said "Are you singing?" Coldplay was on. Not my finest hour.

It is my birthday for another two hours and I shall enjoy It you fuckers

@trishalynn There was a lot of home team nonsense but also so many bad faith people it could be exhausting. It sucked the life out of what should be a fun thing.

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@BustaMarx @LambdaCalculus Yes with a similar black case they all look the same.

@trishalynn I used to moderate a motorsport forum, and you both have my deepest admiration. @BustaMarx @LambdaCalculus It spread to Android, too.

@c0debabe My dog does not react to small dogs and Roger goes ballistic. His owner just walks down the street saying "OH MY GOD ROGER YOU ARE EMBARRASSING.ME".

@c0debabe My neighbor has a dog called Roger and he is exactly like this.

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