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Wow, the Rise of Skywalker is really getting a pounding.

It reminds me of those locations in The Walking Dead when they visit cities.

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At physio in a building named 'corporate building'. The place is totally devoid of character, and quiet. Like post-apocalyptic quiet.

Email subject: You could totally rock this kubernetes swag

Do I have to go on a six week course to learn how to put it on?

Jim boosted

fucking love this brave new world where my vacuum cleaner cleans for me, but also sends me a text message whenever it falls down the stairs or chokes on a sock

Why is birdsite going nuts about YouTube? Can anybody fill me in?

Got to test drive Paw Patrol bubblebath. Not bad, would relax in again.

If you don't at least laugh at the gunshot you're not human

Furthermore, as an ex-sotonian I loved the line about the train station.

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You can't just lob 5.56 around like that, it will go straight through vehicles. Absolute madness.

Absolutely astonishing scenes in Florida as police apprehending.a hijacked UPS truck seem to think they're in Baghdad.

I can only describe the footage I saw as a shooting frenzy, using people's stopped cars for cover. They killed a bystander and the hostage truck driver. Fucking clowns.

Sometimes immunotherapy doesn't change my life at all, sometimes it's pretty brutal. This week has been the latter. Headaches, extreme fatigue, the lot.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!