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Jim boosted

Ouch... ""Linking a Microphone" Or: The Story of CVE-2018-4184":
"This bug was trivial to exploit: Link with AppKit — arguably the most important framework on macOS — and *listen in on your users*. No entitlement required."

M$ changes something in the protocol and suddenly nothing works. It happens every so often.

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Problems with CIFS shares suddenly no longer mounting. I will be clear: I FUCKING HATE CIFS SHARES ON LINUX. HATE THEM.

Spotify is a nice idea, but you are always stuck with the latest catalogue stuff, which means remasters for a lot of good albums. I have to go to my own library for original mixes.

I don't necessarily dislike remasters, but they're a bit George lucas.

Someone on /r/linux quipped about UWUbuntu and I can't stop chuckling about it.

The sensor talks to a smartphone via bluetooth, which I'm sure has all the smartphone stuff - GPS, accelerometer etc. But the sensor itself I think is just flash memory, bluetooth, and an ECG circuit.

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Due to various issues I have to have a heart monitor for 30 days. Nobody told me exactly what it records, I'm curious there was no disclosure.

Jim boosted

Recruiter email: "The client is an ultra-high net worth, $30 Billion Investment Management Firm", who wants to pay below-SF rates and requires on-site up in Marin.

If you want to hire, don't start off saying "look how rich we are, and BTW, you can't have it."

Jim boosted

“Americans with disabilities should not be an afterthought for tech companies… And they should be able to easily learn why they were targeted by those ads, just like everyone else.”

via Claire Brotherton on Twitter

My sister sent me this. I've no idea why it makes me laugh so much.

Jim boosted

@sullybiker you should get a podiatrist as well, for the full experience. then you get to hear all about how actually you walk like an idiot, an idiot baby, a real dolt in fact, whose shoes are all bad and wrong as well.

Jim boosted
"And of course, if you don’t agree to our new Terms and what we can expect from each other as you use our services, you can find more information about your options in our Frequently Asked Questions" -- #Google's e-mail about changes to their #ToS.

We already know these are "my way or the highway" agreements, so someone's "options" are to accept it as is or close their account(s) before the effective date.
Jim boosted

Look around. What's something beautiful near you right now?

Jim boosted

Twenty years ago, one evil multinational company attempted to seize control the web by forcing their web browser on everyone.

If they had succeeded, the wide, open, diverse and inclusive web we have today would not exist.

Enjoy the best web experience on a simple, fast and secure web browser.

:promoted: Promoted by Google Chrome

The new Spotify snap has very helpfully fucked up Apparmor so it won't allow DBUS chatter to NetworkManager.

Troubleshooting snaps is a fucking pain too.

Jim boosted
Does anyone have footage/book of the (glass) blowing of crt screens ?
Jim boosted

Here are some candy hearts written by the neural net GPT-2. It's one of the most powerful text-generating neural nets out there, but I don't think it really knows what is expected of a candy heart.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!