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Also missing bluetooth firmware but this is a licensing and distribution issue. A dev has a GitHub page with it all.

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Even if it did not it's particularly easy to shuffle kernels about in Slackware.

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Jim boosted
Tonight's movie for SPC Movie Night is Coming to America (1988). Showtime is at 5:30pm US Mountain Time (UTC-6) every Sunday. Come watch Youtubes with us until then! #SPCmovienight

Odd little quirk that Slackware's 14.2 installer doesn't have support for an XPS 15 Broadcom card, but the included kernel that is installed does...

These are all David Irving talking points. The only thing this guy doesn't get into is holocaust denial.

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Revisionism ✔️
'Globalism' ✔️
Thinly veiled racialism ✔️
Colonialism >= Naziism ✔️

The whole thing is an exercise in extremely dubious moral relativism.

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I have the impression they're very young in most cases, because it's apparent they've not read anything.

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There's an insidious and deceitful form of Nazi revisionism that seems to occur in the comments of any history-focused video essay. It drives me nuts that these people are so ignorant yet think they're being clever.

macOS Big Sur's not too bad. I'm not well embedded in the Apple ecosystem (laptop provided by work) so don't have much need for a lot of the power toys, but it's got a pleasing color palette, even if it looks like a pastel set has spilled into the computer.

@SeventhMagpie Just seen an elderly lady doing her shopping with a cherry red Ural Sidecar! It's freezing outside and she said she does it a lot but it takes twice as long because of everybody talking to her... ☺️

Jim boosted

This is what a gull looks like when he bolts an entire chicken leg down when you're not looking. Note the lump in his throat

Bonkers masked percussionist/drummer Delta Empire covering a U2. classic. I really like the way it builds to full on metal steam train by the third verse.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

if Hansel and Gretel start a band they should call it ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Bread

I don't often get invested in TV characters much, but I was pretty gutted about Claudine in . She was a standout and I wish they kept the character alive.

Took me 30 minutes to get the gloves on the youngest today. That was fun. I keep forgetting to buy mittens.

I just got a cold call from the UK and they seemed to know a lot about me, and my phone number but would not disclose where they got it. Fucking scammers.

6hr20. Not enough but they were plowing snow outside and the blade on the asphalt sounds like dinosaurs rutting.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!