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The MMC device clocks in at roughly the same throughput as a mechanical spinner; fine really. I'll probably do the NVME upgrade, it's easy enough.

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I also love the fact the power adapter isn't the size of a car

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Manjaro is weird though. Manjaro is to Arch what Ubuntu is to Debian. I do like the KDE touches, it looks very good.

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Treated myself to a Pinebook Pro. Strange to think it was in Hong Kong just a week ago, and now here it is on my lap. It's very nice. I'm pleasantly surprised.

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There's now a program created by blind people to view Wikipedia from the desktop. I mean y'all see all these projects, like this and the NVDA addons community? They *could* be making stuff for Linux. Instead, they're making stuff for Windows because they practically don't have a choice. #a11y

Jim boosted

My fedi timeline is basically a spectrum between people who eat and breathe computers and people who do nothing but ride bikes and garden and I am trying to live my life in the dead middle

The sailing model is intuitive and easy to get to grips with, and it behaves much like a real boat. You can even get it to rock by moving from one side to the other.

Best of all it's totally seamless being on and off the boat, no invisible walls (you can, and will, fall off the fucking thing in the middle of the night)

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I've been on a bit of a sailing game vibe recently, and discovered Sailwind. It's in Early Access, and it's a beautiful little time sink.

Someone said it's Ship of Thieves without the piracy battle stuff but that's a bit unfair, there's shitloads to it.

Most of my time got eaten up by fucking about with Kernel compilation, which I'm well out of practice with and I don't miss at all, plus KISS doctrine means they steer you away from Initramfs so you have to get everything working in-kernel which isn't as easy as one might think.

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Played around with a KISS linux install and I actually really like it. You're encouraged to use Sway and so the prototypical build is not unlike what you get with MNT's Reform, a very workable setup that you soon get used to.

Source-based distros would be a lot easier going if LLVM didn't take about 25 years to build

Researchers that have their own VMs are very keen on curl | bashing their way through any how-to guide, adding all sorts of cruft that then completely toilets the machine a couple of months down the line.

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I've started noticing a pattern in 3rd party repos on RHEL/Centos outside of the well-mainiained EPEL: They break, often pretty quickly. PostGIS has been a shitshow on every server it's been on, as has Dell's linux toolset. They keep fucking breaking yum/dnf and it's just a complete mess to sort out.

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