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The most infuriating aspect of academia is being ignored for literally years and then when they want something they must have it *right now*.

It's like returning to a country and finding your money is worthless.

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One of my great pet hates in modern software is loading an app you paid for a couple of years back only to find you're now on garbage tier of product because they have gone full SAAS bullshit

This 1976 trucking documentary is great. Has surprising depth, covering the travails of the owner/operator, the Las Vegas Mob and union culture.

This Amouranth Twitch story is awful and I suspect she's not the only one. Everyone's laughing at the chat simps getting mad their eGirlfriend was actually married, but I find the bizarre white-knighting these cases attract every bit as nauseating.

Jim boosted

::: Mikey & Grover's Unexpected Adventures

Just tested and freshly released natively on Linux! Demo available right away.

Point & click adventure enthusiast - here's a surprisingly pleasant new offering from Headbang Games for you.

1990's style, old school , simplistic handdrawn adventure with two boys discovering the secrets of a light house.

By all means, check this one out and wishlist 🏝️


#Linux #gaming #adventure #pointandclick #Headbang #Games #Steam #native

That Kodak story made me smile. Physical media has a magic to it; the pictures on your fridge door or your apartment wall. People are looking of something tangible.

The digital workflow took a lot out of the process, not least the concern of having to get it right and commit light to the frame in a moment as perfect as you could get it.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

I wanted to see if my doctor could maybe do a call (they did some antibiotics last time I got fever symptoms) and they want me to inform oncology. Do I want this ballache right now? No I do not.

Ran 103F through the night and it finally broke at 5am. Very unpleasant night.

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Battling a fever all day. Not covid, nor cowbell.

A pet hate of current distros is miskeying a shell command then..5s pause during which no input is possible...'did you mean xyz'

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!