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Just lit up my old man on email because I am tired of his shit.

Ugh my fucking family fml I am getting too old for these constant pointless feuds

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Our rescue came home a year ago today. He's a crazy little thing

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I’m realizing that growing up as a wired magazine-reading cyberpunk believer— a kid who thought adbusters and the internet could save the world— and then watching as every technological miracle was turned not towards revolution or saving humanity but instead more pernicious and intractable methods of exploitation has made me uncomfortable with technological optimism. “assume all new technology will be used against you” —

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On #gravy #trains.

I imagine a 20 tonne side loading coal wagon but filled with delicious gravy. And then I imagine 80 more of them. They come past my door where I have a wall of mashed potato and a giant crane with a gravy bucket on it to pour over my mashed spuds. I also have a ball pool but it’s full of peas instead and my entire front yard is laden with delicious slices of roast NZ lamb.

That’s my idea of a gravy train and nobody gonna stop me.

Givendale Church, in the Yorkshire Wolds. I lived a couple of miles from here as a teenager, and used to bike up here. It was a mean climb. Didn't appreciate it then. Took this on my HTC Desire in May 2011.

The same a year earlier. You can see the work was necessary.

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The GP-9 locomotive that is permanent resident at Horseshoe Curve PA, during restoration and a new coat of paint. The grey primer made me think think of a glitch in reality where it was untextured.

In the car and Taylor Swift's 'All Too Well' comes on, my son from the back seat murmurs "More like All Too Long".

In other telly news continues to deliver in spades. Cinema quality visuals, great storytelling, and everyone looks like they're into it.

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There needs to be development of someone somewhere. Everyone is just the same again and again.

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The much hyped E2 of was definitely a return to form, but it ended with the same old Logan divide & conquer dynamic that the show hasn't got away from since the beginning.

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My wife told me she’ll slam my head into the keyboard if I don’t get off the computer.

I’m not too worried though — I think she’s just jokindkdkslalkdlkfjslfjslksdlkfjuahehwhgwdklaljdf

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Today in 1926, 97 years ago: after crossing the South Atlantic, the Spanish crew of the seaplane Plus Ultra return triumphantly.


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Today in 1660, 363 years ago: Declaration of Breda by King Charles II of Great Britain promises, among other things, a general pardon to all royalists and opponents of the monarchy for crimes committed during the English Civil War and the Interregnum.


Now my team's work is behind two dashboards with some graphs I neither need nor asked for

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The modern obsession with dashboards can happily fuck off

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The endless updates to our ticketing system just piss me off. Most of it isn't necessary, wastes time trying to figure out new screen flows but worst of all adds absolutely nothing.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!