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Immunotherapy caused my veins to retreat, so I have to l have to put up with this shit now

Also not eaten for over 12hrs so I am spectacularly grumpy

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Oncology for a follow up. I have not missed this place and would rather be anywhere else.

Regrettably the Firefox snap in this instance is not ready for regular use. That's rather silly.

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Jim boosted

The joke did not land and he waved me through, still not the correct signal but by that point I did not care.

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I asked him what on earth that meant, and asked if I can go. He pointed at the road again. I said you have two possible signals and that isn't one of them, now am I staying or going? That was when he told me I had an attitude. I told him I just want to get to work so I can stand around doing fuck all as well.

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My day started very badly, with an argument with a road flagger who told me I had a 'bad attitude'. I arrived at the lane he was controlling; he had his back to me (big no-no) flag down, and a phone to his ear. I waited for about 30 seconds, then grew irritable as nothing was happening (the road was clear). I put my window down and yelled 'Good morning!' He turned around and pointed at the road.

I don't have the issues with the snap ecosystem, by and large they are fine, but a browser really ought to be a perfect example of what you want your product to look like.

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Snaps in particular: Canonical, this has been a known problem for years. Get your act together.

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If you dogfood Linux you learn to deal with most problems but it is a constant reminder that trying to be something you're not is not going to work unless you put real effort and backing into it.

Now, I have seen this before (along with rest of Earth) and an update fixes it, but what a bad first impression. Along with the initial flurry of Ubuntu oops report dialogue boxes (again, just something you come to live with) it does not scream polish.

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I have the good fortune through work to get to try a few bits of hardware here and there. Today's is the XPS13. I used the 2014 original for a long time. Build quality feels much improved (the original was pretty cheap'n'cheerful) but ordered this with Ubuntu as on OEM image, and there's problems with the Firefox snap almost immediately.

Jim boosted

Musings about techbros, fediverse 

I think it's a hangover from the 2010s.

Like we put stuff up on the web, and built APIs and asked for public data to be available via API, bus schedules, twitter embeds, Facebook,etc.

So there's the mindset that if it's on the web it's open.

On Fedi, the cultures a bit different.

Yes we're in public. That doesn't mean you can just post our writings elsewhere. Ask first.

@nexusofprivacy has a good guide for developers to consider.

I'm surprised at the amount of Apple consoomer cheerleading on the fediverse. Maybe I shouldn't be.

One of my old PhDs is now faculty elsewhere and she's been in touch for a project. I always like working with these people. Best part of the job.

Jim boosted

Today in 1907, 117 years ago: in Paris, Auguste Lumière presents color photography.


My boss is making ominous noises about AI and its impact on staffing, which means he's hearing that from his bosses.


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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!