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As unfashionable as it is to praise Coldplay, their new album Is the best thing they've done in years.

Jim boosted
Reading sites for things like #IPFS and #Beaker / #DAT and #MaidSafe / #SAFENetwork, some things are never stated.

If someone were to set up a #RasPi to be a node on one of these types of #peer-to-peer networks, would they need to set up NAT passthrough, or do their protocols already include something like STUN / TURN?

Mostly an academic question, as I’m not willing to potentially open up access to my home network.
Jim boosted

The FidoNet chapter from BBS: The Documentary (2004) is I think required viewing for fediverse admins.

Bulletin board services (BBSes) were pre-web online communities with forums, mail, games, etc. FidoNet was/is basically a volunteer-run federation layer that let BBSes communicate with each other.

The video talks about FidoNet's growing pains, especially around governance & a mismatch between what users wanted and what the sysops felt was required to maintain the net.

I have a doppleganger on campus. A barista told me he'd done a portrait session with me a couple of years back.
"No you didn't."
"Oh, I'm sorry. You take milk in your coffee, right?"
"No, that's the other guy."

There's another Half Life game coming? Crikey.

Ferrari as usual finding new ways to fuck things up, Seb the scud stud again flawlessly driving into Chuck Lecluck.

Jim boosted

I expect context is not part of the subconscious mechanism that puts you there.

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Something that fascinates me about dreams is how you can be in unusual places or scenarios and you never question it. No 'why am I here'.

Jim boosted

"Cows are recognized as adept swimmers comfortable with covering a few hundred yards. But swimming miles of open water in a hurricane is outside their general range of expertise."

Of course when it's a review channel, there's also entire videos that are thinly disguised shilling.

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One of the consequences of YouTube's change in Ad revenue has been creators rolling in their own informercials, usually for mobile gaming. Some are better than others, but it's still annoying as they're often distractingly long.

Where I lived 38yrs ago. All gone now. The whole area is extensively developed.

It is bastard cold out there. I am not enjoying this polar winter preview.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!