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Made a friend at the exhibition farm yesterday. I fed him some nice green grass and he tried to eat my pants.

Titanic Ii is an awesomely good film to get shitfaced and laugh at.

Apple mail's organization of threaded messages is s awful I prefer to ssh into my work server ad just use Mutt.

I'm trying to get a fairly large organization to do this and it's like trying to teach algebra to a dog.

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SSH Key generation remains such a huge hurdle for most people. I have to remember this every time it causes improbably long delays and man hours as it often becomes a huge user education project in its own right.

I'm amused that LinkedIn sends me notifications that I have notifications. It is such a needy app.

Rhel/Centos removed quite a bit of storage support in version 8. Unusual that a garden variety PERC got dropped, it's barely a decade old.

I'm having one of those days when I came into work specifically to do some jobs and nothing. not one thing is going right.

'89 Ferrari 643 being punted around Spa. First semi-automatic gearbox in F1, 31 years ago.

Conemagh Dam today.

EOS 6D, Sigma 20-40 2.8, Polariser.

And why I will have to drag my are into work again?

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I left extremely strict instructions not to reboot a server which had been very susceptible to kernel panics on restart. Does anyone want to guess what the researcher did next?

The idiot that burnt out a police car (on camera, the twat) is of course some rich kid from Shaler. I am shocked. SHOCKED I tell you

Jim boosted

VIEWS FROM SPACE: Just 2 minutes before liftoff, @Space_Station astronaut Chris Cassidy took this photo of @NASAKennedy from nearly 250 miles up, showing the @spacex Falcon 9 rocket on the pad. #LaunchAmerica

Jim boosted

Traveling to Mars this summer aboard @NASAPersevere:

SHERLOC = an instrument to search for sand-grain size clues
WATSON = a camera to capture close-up images

How this detective and its assistant will put a magnifying glass on Martian rocks: 

Jim boosted

RT @Commercial_Crew
The countdown to #LaunchAmerica continues! On Saturday, May 30, @nasa's @spacex Crew Dragon launches to the @Space_Station, marking the first time we’ve launched American astronauts from U.S. soil since 2011.

Weather is currently 40% "go" for launch. 

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!