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Jim boosted
"is that where you find your friends? 4chan?"
"no i'm not on 4chan"
"what website is it?"
"it's a federation of websites running software based on a common protocol"
"is it parler?"
"it's called the fediverse"
*she looks it up*
"everything i'm reading says they have a nazi problem"
Jim boosted

Congratulate yourself for doing difficult things, even if they might not seem difficult to others.

You're only going to have these problems if you've shackled yourself to a non-free OS. Don't do that.

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I love the standards shithole that proprietary file systems have sent us down. Need interoperability from an external drive? Use ExFAT. Really.

Yeah, that's a no from me, dawg.

It's another bright and cloudless day here. Unusual, we're known for our cloud cover. Usually 3rd in the US for the eternal gray. I'm not complaining.

Jim boosted

"I'll see if any of my researchers remember my password"

Oh mate, please don't put breaches of user policy right on the damn ticket.

This is National Socialist tier shit, and it makes me really quite uncomfortable. It's not okay to commit reputational murder because of guilt by association. And it's not okay to make fucking lists of political targets. Is this progress?

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!