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Jim boosted

#virtualpanopticon expanded, a more accurate implementation of Bentham's panoptic philosophy. This is not a good thing. Privacy is a human right. Your neighbourhood doesn't need or really want to share that level of information, matter of time before a breech happens.
RT @wbm312
June 8, Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors - hello privacy nightmare.

Spearphishing mails impersonating my boss, they're getting clever.

Maybe not try it on a holiday weekend lads.

Birdsite teasing a subs offering is peak Birdsite

Another eternal September, coming to a fedi instance in your area.

The 'hopper shell is unlike most Tamiya kits in that it is hard ABS white plastic, which is deliberate as you can sticker it up and get pretty close to Box art, Without having to paing anything, in keeping with the entry-level nature of the kit.

I may get another shell off eBay as son no. 2 wants it in candy green.

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I decided to paint the plain ABS body of my Tamiya Grasshopper. I let my son choose the colour. Of course it's fucking bubblegum pink.

This is a tune. Goes a lot of places. The last third is real rain on a tin roof territory.

Oh Thank God

Ansible emphasizes inclusive language in new release |

Jim boosted

Fuck Proprietary Skills

People don't learn how to program, but learn how to S3 or EC2, people don't learn how to illustrate but how to Photoshop, or how to C4D. "Oh, I couldn't possibly make music without Ableton.." This is sad.

Jim boosted

Man the rust compiler is really idiot friendly

Jim boosted

If this is true then Google are not merely scanning files for software fingerprints but are parsing them through ML and deciding what users are permitted to read. Absolutely disgraceful.

Nothing says 'job targets' like getting 2 emails and a voicemail a week from a vendor and then silence when you ask a question.

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IT sales people are like sales people everywhere; 80% of them are completely useless. They'll bombard you with calls and emails but the second you need them to be useful they're mysteriously busy.

Jim boosted
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!