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The Cherry blossom flakes turned into an actual blizzard on the way home. So surreal.

The gloomy weather is making people absolutely miserable. I've never seen people laying on the horn so much in all the years I've done this commute. This isn't New York, chill the fuck out.

Jim boosted

Credit where credit is due! I'd really like to take a minute and thank Jia Tan how they helped us to finally get sd_notify() support merged into OpenSSH upstream!

Thank you, Jia, you rock!

Jim boosted

looking for software/infrastructure job in Germany, :boost_requested:​ 

Hi fedi! I'm looking for a new job in Germany

I have:

~6 years of Rust experience
~6 years of running and maintaining Linux systems and server infrastructure
Over a year of experience with Nix/NixOS

I speak fluent English (C2 level), Russian and Ukrainian natively, and some German (A2-B1, still learning)

I'm looking for:

remote work preferred, currently living in southwest Germany

My CV is available here:


This rain is something else. 24hrs of it now.

Jim boosted

I used to chat with Craig a lot about his illness, having been on the fortunate side of the coin myself. Fuck cancer.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted
Jim boosted
Jim boosted

Today in 1979, 45 years ago: A Soviet bio-warfare laboratory at Sverdlovsk accidentally releases airborne anthrax spores, killing 66 plus an unknown amount of livestock.


For example some common .deb applications that have a demonized component ship systemd service files, so you have to figure out their replacement. Again just a little work, and not a big deal. It's normal in something like Slackware, but the bsd-style init is really simple there.

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I had to do the firmware dance initially, which Debian sorted out a little while ago, but that isn't a big deal. The experience did make me realize how widespread the systemdification of things has gone, which of course is one of the goals of the Devuan project - to avoid this.

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Tried Devuan for the first time on my testing box. Daedalus/12 is really decent, and very close to the 'normal' Debian experience. Very impressed. I'm surprised how much skill fade I've experienced with sysv scripts though; such is the enterprise penetration of systemd.

Jim boosted

If you really care about the #xz #liblzma backdoor, the IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) best source of information is the FAQ at which gets continuous updates and keeps track of the fallout and ongoing work.

However — do not read the comments on that gist, as a lot of not-so-well informed but very motivated people try to add their .02.

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