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Jim boosted

@Binder It used to be spelled Kæther but that spelling fell out of fashion after Einstein published “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”, his Special Theory of Relativity, making the long term reliance on the outdated concept unnecessary.

Something similar happened with the name Phil, which was originally short for Philogiston.

Jim boosted

Today in 1992, 32 years ago: in Afghanistan the civil war ends, with the transfer of powers from the communist government to Sibgatulah Mujadedi.


Jim boosted
Jim boosted

Laws are never equally enforced or applied especially when you have tons of investors money. It is a sad reality.

If the story was about police prosecuting speeders when they're not actually speeding, that would be a good corruption angle. As it is, the entire scheme only exists because drivers cannot fucking drive at the speed limit.

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This is ostensibly a story about small-town corruption. It is actually a story about American drivers and their widespread inability to adhere to a speed limit.

Jim boosted

Email from AT&T.

We're very sorry your information was compromised along with *7.4 million* other people. We want you to know we take security and privacy _very seriously_. So here's a free year of credit monitoring and identity theft protection...

... from fucking Experian.

That's the first company I think of when I think of a company that takes security and privacy incredibly seriously. Yeah.

I'm sorry to say I find the new Taylor completely dull

Jim boosted

It is the fantasy of the Guardianista to fuck off to another country with lower cost of living, and make a bit song and dance about it. It is not, however, the great conscientious move you think it is, because it is only possible due to privilege. Actual priivilege, not the Graun kind.

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I have seen this reposted in many places, in a great example of not reading the article. It is much more complex than the Guardian slant wants it to appear. Average rent in BA is about half of what this guy was paying in London. Also - and this is key - he is there for work.

Reading suckless' *furious* diatribes about modern computing never fails to make me smile.


The amount of stress experienced during that call shows I'm not past the experience.

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So when I tried three different times to get them to return my calls, I fucked it all off and thought if they're bothered they'll get in touch. Which they did.

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Oncology called me today wanting to follow up, noticing I'd not been in touch. I haven't been in touch because I had difficulty getting their office to arrange imaging (surveillance is the the whole point of the exercise) but I also explained no small amount of fatigue with it all. I didn't want to see Doctors after four solid years of it. In May 2019 I had 18 different appointments to go through. In one month. This is extremely hard to explain to people, including my own family.

Ncspot is great but the crate list is a bit like enjoying a nice steak and being taken round an abattoir.

Weather this April has been crazy. So much rain and electrical storms.

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