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damn, Battlebit really is as impressive as they say. I am absolutely gd terrible at it but it's a complete blast.

Of course maybe, like the Golgafrinchans, we'll all be wiped out in 6 months by a disease contracted by not viewing enough pictures of cocktails or something.

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I'm honestly fine with people who have IG accounts only talking to other people with IG accounts, I think it's the way forward.

It turns out that while Garmin Connect via the website correctly tracks 2 runs in the past 7 days, the phone app has decided to forget one of them. I really wish someone would jailbreak these devices and run up some lovely custom firmware for them.

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what the hell Garmin, I just ran an 8k and my training load went *down*? for a watch, you can be a real twat.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing corporate that Gmail is in any way adequate for business use.

Pipski boosted

when exactly did search engines all stop doing verbatim searches for terms in quotation marks, it's beyond annoying?

of course Boris Johnson has a badly trained gremlin of a dog that urinates on people, it's his spirit animal.

God I hate port forwarding. How is it still a thing? Feels like something you'd need to do on a 386, along with configuring a Soundblaster.

I've lost my wok. How? How do you lose a wok?

Pipski boosted

There isn't a "crisis in masculinity."

There are just guys who can't cope with there being any standards or expectations for their behavior at all after being told they could literally do whatever they wanted and treat people like property.

There's a reason every proposed "solution" is misogynist as hell and involves forcing women into a social position where their lives, bodies, and livelihoods are entirely controlled by men.

Because these men are pigs and want to live life on easy mode.

"Get over here, private!"
squidge squidge squidge
"Double-time, you maggot!"

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