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When it's hot in the evening my Dad's dog likes to nap on the tiling on the stairwell. He only moves to go to his water bowl or see if we have any snacks to donate.

6 days in finally not thinking about anything but being here. Just me and the bitey bugs. And beer.

If I were making a fake SSID I would totally call it underscore Heathrow. Come on, Boingo. Also wanting my email is shady as fuck.

My car is repairable. No frame damage. Huge hit in a small area which I thought would have buckled the unibody. The shockwave broke the interior trunk liner. It will however be a while due to large number of parts and the ongoing CDK outage. Had the wheel and transfer case been dinged it would have pushed it over the underwriter's number. As it happens it did not even lose alignment. So lucky.

Immunotherapy caused my veins to retreat, so I have to l have to put up with this shit now

Oncology for a follow up. I have not missed this place and would rather be anywhere else.

Campus is at it's quietest in June. Although this ostensibly suits my grumpy introverted nature, I much prefer it when all the kids are about.

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