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There's a whole generation of users out there that accept having to wait ten minutes after a reboot before they can do anything, that this is the way personal computing should be.

I help researchers with laptops that are brand new and they run like complete dogshit, and epople just accept this is normal; that you pay for an OS and you can't even do any work.

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Spare laptop running windows is just sitting in the corner having been booted two hours ago. The i/O light has been solid ever since.

I moan about this all the time and it still never fails to amaze me that since Vista all MS (including server) do this. I swear they're in league with storage OEMs. @phessler And I know you've mentioned it before and I totally agree: A little networking goes a long, long way. Still one of the most useful things I have learnt. @phessler Joking aside, domain knowledge is what can make our lives so interesting, especially on the support side.

I find this very true with people (researchers, in my case) encountering *BSD/Linux for the first time in a heavy lifting capacity: They're learnt to use computers in a certain way that required surface knowledge, which is totally normal, but then they must recognise that they have to learn perhaps a couple of different areas.

It's a challenge all around.

It seems particularly remiss where Linux/BSD is so very usable for everything else.

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After some more digging around, HW acceleration still a complete shitshow across Linux for browsers. Given how well so much hardware works now I'm surprised more effort hasn't been made here.

MPV + youtube-dl is all well and good but it's a kludge that screams 'enthusiast OS'. You had some serious stuff going on Michael. It affects you in insidious ways, resetting the measure of your own abilities to name just one.

Try not to be hard on yourself. Man, I admire your confidence, and the fact you actually pulled it off.

If that were me it would be three hours later trying to fix something I broke repeating to myself:

"Better is the enemy of good.
Better is the enemy of good.
Better is the enemy of good..."

In my recuperation I've been catching up on lots of racing I haven;t had time to watch. Formula E has come a long way. The Gen 2 car is very impressive: 45 minutes racing, double from first gen.

Most impressive of all, the racing is really good:

I don't know what Apple do differently with their Bluetooth stack, but it doesn't work well, either on iOS or MacOS. Endless hassles pairing and resetting, it's bloody annoying.

My wife's iPhone will rarely get along with the car IFE without some patience, and my MacBook often refuses to pair with the same headphones on different occasions. It also has the habit of trying to pair while suspended, which is very tiresome.

First night in hospital ☑️
I hope I can go home today. Maybe not. You only got time off so you could die

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