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Nothing says 'job targets' like getting 2 emails and a voicemail a week from a vendor and then silence when you ask a question.

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IT sales people are like sales people everywhere; 80% of them are completely useless. They'll bombard you with calls and emails but the second you need them to be useful they're mysteriously busy.

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@sesivany Somewhere in an office is a big flipchart with the word CRYPTO in all caps, I guarantee it.

Probably the first laptop that really delivers on marketed battery life.

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I know Apple Silicon is basically stuffing phone/embedded tech into a laptop, but holy shit the battery life is absolutely bonkers good.

@alex Container networking and firewalls is a major arseache

Dropped into campus to pick up a laptop. It feels normal. 77F and people enjoying the sun 🌞 The last time I did this, it was a ghost town. Barricades in dark corridors like Hadley's Hope.

77F here today. In the heat you can't picture the sting of midwinter cold, and in the depth of that cold you can't remember that film of sweat on your brow when the heat comes.The mind is a funny thing. @TouchBalls69 Have you considered an RV

I enjoyed this short about Larry Mullen jr, especially his comments about inspired amateurism. @TouchBalls69 it'll end badly. Who has done this? These are terrific. My thoughts are with underrepresented Austrians seeking therapy at this time.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!