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@HebrideanHecate Lawyers throwing out the rule of law for populist shite was also big in 30s Germany

@nyquildotorg It's all part of shifting tastes; I still enjoy a lot of my old metal faves, but few are anywhere near their peak.

@checkervest @senj Are they swaghetti_yolonaise_69 on Call of Duty?

Jim boosted

Today in 1921, 102 years ago: the universities of Oxford and Cambridge contested, for the hundredth time, their classic race of eight with helmsman in the Thames.


Jim boosted

Oh god snap is a trash fire. They have a thing that inhibits updates for up to 14 days if an app is running.. but the Snap Store is a snap... and it runs in the background... so now everyone's had a notification that they should quit the snap store in the next 14 days but nobody knows how because it doesn't look open.

So the solution is to open the terminal because it always, always is.

Jim boosted

Today in 1856, 167 years ago: The Treaty of Paris is signed, ending the Crimean War.

#OnThisDay Ain't nobody got time for that etc etc

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Today in 1918, 105 years ago: Beginning of the bloody March Events in Baku and other locations of Baku Governorate.

#OnThisDay It did not require multiple passes to do so? @amerika Even before the modern notion of a state. @amerika Japanese have always favored a very structured and rigid society, going back hundreds of years. @amerika Extremely tough comparison. The culture is entirely different.

Two consecutive days of frost. Everything's dead :( All the lovely flowers had briefly come out, only to be murdered by Sprinter

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