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@checkervest We had to feed our doggie a mild sedative before the vet would see him. He does not like being needled.

@checkervest let's be grateful they didn't shoot anybody to make a point

Jim boosted

It's amusing to me that if you choose 'Update and shutdown' AND the updates require reboots you'll still encounter the phenomenon of thinking that you chose 'restart' instead. It's logical behavior, and yet...

re: food, recipe, 2 

@c0debabe I'm dribbling

Jim boosted

In a difficult situation, my wife once told me: “People tell me I’m tough because they don’t see me cry but believe me, if I’d think it’d help, I’d throw myself to the floor and cry all day and night.” Most people only leave the house on their good days. It’s not easy to know how people are really doing. At the same time, telling people about a hardship sometimes reveals a dozen of people in similar situations. It’s weird. Like a whole underground of hardship beneath the veneer. If you’re not doing well, I hope your situation improves and that you can find the people you need to talk to. Because life can be hard.

Jim boosted

@256 The atmosphere in that game was wonderful.

@mjgardner Hopefully he wasn't doing this over VPN, haha

@mntmn I found a way to get open connect working with our corporate VPN again (they changed to 2fa a while back and it broke support for it) so my reform is back as my WFH computer!

There's a lot of debate about the relative merits of remote work, but I will tell you this: People absolutely use it as a means to hide when they're needed.

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