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@Gelatinousrube @kj00 I have not watched it for too long. Loudermilk is great, despite that awful wobble in S3 where it went weirdly preachy.

Reading suckless' *furious* diatribes about modern computing never fails to make me smile.


The amount of stress experienced during that call shows I'm not past the experience.

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So when I tried three different times to get them to return my calls, I fucked it all off and thought if they're bothered they'll get in touch. Which they did.

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Oncology called me today wanting to follow up, noticing I'd not been in touch. I haven't been in touch because I had difficulty getting their office to arrange imaging (surveillance is the the whole point of the exercise) but I also explained no small amount of fatigue with it all. I didn't want to see Doctors after four solid years of it. In May 2019 I had 18 different appointments to go through. In one month. This is extremely hard to explain to people, including my own family.

@HebrideanHecate How the heck did this clown get so far. It's baffling to me.

Ncspot is great but the crate list is a bit like enjoying a nice steak and being taken round an abattoir.

Weather this April has been crazy. So much rain and electrical storms.

Jim boosted

Doomscrolling? That’s silly. Put that phone away, go outside and EXPERIENCE the doom!

@DismalManorGang Yes they could really do with cleaning all that up.

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The tree is gone. I felt a bit odd about it. Must be very old. It was not dead, unlike it's neighbors (a future headache) but in a few hours it was pruned and felled with a loud thump. Au Revoir tree. Thanks for not destroying my home.

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