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We have this low pressure system which means we've skipped the transition from hot weather and gone straight into late October grey windy days and cold nights. I can't say I like it.

Crowdstrike is really fucking good. I don't normally dig products like this but this is a very decent one. SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY This is actually what a lot of people do.

@alcinnz electroretinography is similarly surprisingly old. By contrast Kirk Hammett could not have been more normal. I met Lars Ulrich in 1992. He pissed on my shoe. Dude was completely wrecked.

PPAs are just technical debt for sysadmins

Jim boosted
Internet: "The network allows for various kinds of protocols that y-"

Developers: "There is only HTTP"

HTTP: "You can formulate all kind of requests using GET, POST, PUT, DELE-"

Developers: "There is only POST"


@MmeLibertine That's rough. I got a long nap in 5-8 so I am self-medicating

@vriska There are some concepts that are just meant to be.

@Matty That community was the canary in the coalmine He's probably under house arrest

@Antiquixotic It's very easy to let your chin drop when something serious happens to you, but for sure little nudges like this help, basically lettimg me know I'm talking bollocks

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