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@HebrideanHecate This is so wrong. A woman I used to train with told me an average male athlete on bad form could beat her pretty easily in a crit, such are the physiological advantages. I could not believe it - she is the fittest person I know - but she said the numbers don't lie.

Took the dog out at sunnset for his walk. The air was slightly damp, the temperature perfect. The Cicadas were singing, people were out on their porches. I could not help but feel melancholy that in a few weeks I'll need a fleece, then a heavy coat and scarf.

Hope fedi friends in Socal and Mexico are doing okay. The floods look bad. I really like to drive a lot and want to be able to keep a healthy charge. Work has about 16 lvl 2 chargers but you need a lease in the garage they are in which I do not have. Probably next time.

Thinking about how difficult it is to get help from practically any business now; it's all anti-worker practices. They don't want to hire anyone to help, so they use chatbots and outsource their actual meat workers to exploit the cheapest labour that can barely do the job.

@neil Yeah I had the same. Plus uncertainty about just how much work our electrical box needs for an additional 240 circuit had me thinking "maybe next time."

The start of a 20hr journey home back on Wednesday. It was still very dark at 0630am in Malaga. This TAP Embraer 195 would take us to Lisbon, where we would catch a 787-10 to Newark, then finally an Embraer 170 to Pittsburgh.

The last of the V8 interceptors finally ran out of guzzoline and was claimed by the rodent overlord

It turns out that the thing I didn't need in a jetlagged state is a party at Chuck E Cheese.

@Juju I was an IT support tech, but had no linux experience; it was all self-study. You can learn and get your foot in the door somewhere. I wouldn't turn down a keen applicant; they often don't have the 'tech habits' that make recruiting so annoying.

@Juju @c0debabe No. I got my first Linux job at 38. Don't worry about it.

@Juju @c0debabe Everybody in the field was there once. I hope you find some enjoyment in it.

Presa De Beznar. Made me dizzy looking down, I had to step away. Canon EOS 6D, Sigma 20-40 EX DG 2.8 @Gelatinousrube Whenever I talk about common courtesy I feel like I sound like my dad. But there is a truth to it, the world has become indifferent and mean.

Wife will probably find me here in the morning, fast asleep.

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